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Presidente Abinader declara el 30 de mayo Día de la Libertad

PorNoel Minaya

May 21, 2021

Santo Domingo.- El presidente Luis Abinader emitió el decreto 335-21, mediante el cual se declara el 30 de mayo de cada año «Día de la Libertad», en homenaje a la resistencia nacional y a las víctimas de asesinatos, desapariciones, torturas y abusos ejecutados así como los desmanes cometidos contra el patrimonio del estado dominicano durante los 31 años de gobierno dictatorial dirigido por Rafael Leónidas Trujillo Molina.

Este mismo decreto crea una comisión para la conmemoración de los 60 años del ajusticiamiento del dictador Rafael Leónidas Trujillo Molina, para reconocer la vocación democrática permanente del pueblo dominicano.

“Se dispone la conmemoración de los 60 años del ajusticiamiento de Trujillo, para el estado reconocer la vocación democrática permanente del pueblo dominicano, el cual nunca ha dejado de luchar por su soberanía y dignidad como nación y pueblo libre e independiente”, expresa este decreto en su artículo dos.

La comisión creada por este decreto, de manera honorífica, queda integrada por la ministra de Cultura, quien la presidirá; los ministros de Defensa y Educación.

Asimismo, por los presidentes de la Comisión Permanente de Efemérides Patrias; de la Academia Dominicana de la Historia; el director del Archivo General de la Nación (AGN) y la rectora de la Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (UASD), y Batolome Pujals Suárez, quien fungira como director ejecutivo

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    Facebook plans to issue its own stablecoin, raising questions about privacy and how such corporations will exploit users’ data and, perhaps one day, their power to issue their own currencies that directly compete with fiat money. Here, too, the government has to play a role in setting up guardrails for the use of consumer data and to avoid the use of such unregulated cryptocurrencies for illicit commerce. Many governments have taken a hands-off approach to crypto, but its rapid ascent and evolution, coupled with the rise of DeFi, has forced regulators to begin crafting rules for the emerging sector. Regulations vary widely around the world, with some governments embracing cryptocurrencies and others banning them outright. The challenge for regulators, experts say, is to develop rules that limit traditional financial risks without stifling innovation.

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  14. The BBC asked Cohasset Public Schools district for comment, and were referred back to the police statement on the matter. Under the law, Texas agencies have the authority to regulate digital asset service providers, which serve as banks for cryptocurrency depositors. These crypto banks will not be allowed to comingle customers’ funds with bank funds, use customers’ funds to secure a transaction or maintain customer funds in a way that customers may be unable to later withdraw them. The crypto banks will also now be subject to annual reporting requirements and audits. Cryptojacking is the unauthorized use of someone else’s compute resources to mine cryptocurrency. Hackers seek to hijack any kind of systems they can take over—desktops, servers, cloud infrastructure and more—to illicitly mine for crypto coins.
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  23. PAGES The importance of perseverance in this competition has quite clearly been reiterated to this side and despite a less-than-difficult group stage experience, England have shown that when it comes to the wire, they have the spirit needed to grind out results. Wednesday, July 7England 2, Denmark 1 Germany had also been in the goals and showing just why they’re up there with the favourites to win the tournament, with Alexandra Popp scoring in every match so far – including a brace against France in their semi-final – but she was ruled out of the final after picking up an injury in the warmup. Germany had also been in the goals and showing just why they’re up there with the favourites to win the tournament, with Alexandra Popp scoring in every match so far – including a brace against France in their semi-final – but she was ruled out of the final after picking up an injury in the warmup.
    149 NHL computer picks don’t have an influence on humans, they don’t make any calculation errors, and they are not affected by personal bias. NHL computer picks are influenced by numbers and facts alone, and are the most accurate, on average, compared to expert handicappers. For the latest NHL consensus picks, head over to our NHL Consensus Picks page. The Associated Press created this story using technology provided by Data Skrive and data from Sportradar. Location: Campus Sites NHL expert picks are generally individuals who provide their NHL expert picks for a price or in some cases, for free. At Odds Shark, we typically compare NHL expert picks to our NHL computer picks and find that the computer generates the better picks. It’s entirely up to you to decide.

  24. I strongly recommend steer clear of this platform. My own encounter with it was only disappointment along with doubts about deceptive behavior. Proceed with extreme caution, or even better, seek out a trustworthy service to fulfill your requirements.

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