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Destituye a Paula Disla de Conani y nombra a Ana Cecilia Morun Solano

PorNoel Minaya

Oct 11, 2021

Santo Domingo, RD-La presidenta ejecutiva del Consejo Nacional de la Niñez, Paula Disla, fue destituida de sus funciones mediante el decreto 623-21, emitido por el presidente Luis Abinader.


Esa disposición fue tomada el pasado viernes 8 de octubre, sin embargo no se había informado hasta el momento por la Presidencia de la República.


Ana Cecilia Morun Solano sustituirá a Disla, conocida por la interpretación del personaje “María Moñitos” y especialista en educación social y derechos de la niñez y adolescencia, quien estaba en el cargo desde finales de agosto de 2020.


Paula Disla fue designada viceministra de relaciones internacionales del Ministerio de Educación Superior, Ciencia y Tecnología (Mescyt).


Disla fue nombrada mediante el decreto 410-20, firmado el 27 de agosto de 2020 por el jefe de Estado en sustitución de Greybby María Cuello Coste de Torres, quien estaba como directora general de la institución desde abril de ese mismo año.


En la hoja de vida de Paula Mercedes Disla destaca una especialidad en Derechos de la niñez y la adolescencia; además, máster en Educación Social y Animación Socio cultural de la Universidad de Sevilla.


Asimismo, ha trabajado como docente y posee experiencia en el manejo de fondos públicos como productora y talento principal en la televisora estatal CERTV y directora de proyectos infantiles y juveniles del Ministerio de Cultura. En el 2019, con Unesco publicó la ‘Guía para la atención educativa de niños, niñas y adolescentes en situaciones de violencia en la escuela’.a en la escuela’.


829 comentarios en «Destituye a Paula Disla de Conani y nombra a Ana Cecilia Morun Solano»
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    Poker became legal in New Jersey on February 26, 2013, when Gov. Chris Christie signed Bill 2578. Nearly nine months later, in November 2013, the state’s first legal poker sites were launched. As per the law, gambling operators were required to partner with land-based casinos in Atlantic City. 888Poker teamed up with WSOP Caesars, partypoker and Pala Poker merged with Borgata, and PokerStars joined forces with Resorts Casino. When we evaluate the best poker sites, we keep a few parameters in mind. The most important parameter is the reliability of the poker site, whether the site is legit, licensed and reputable. While checking for the legitimacy of the poker site we also ensure whether the site has a SSL (secure sockets layer) certificate to ensure safe and secure gaming experience.

  7. “The table sometimes lies: The actual Premier League table is obviously all that really matters, but an alternative one based on expected goals can show where it might be lying to us a little. BBC Sport also publishes additional content across its digital platforms including BBC iPlayer and BBC Sport’s Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube pages. Jenas was speaking on Match of the Day 2, where he criticised the players’ body language despite still having the chance to avoid relegation. The crisis spread to BBC Radio, with host Mark Chapman standing down from presenter duties leaving BBC Radio 5 Live to fill its usual Saturday lunchtime programming with podcasts. AND WHAT’S MORE: More drama came as the show’s team of commentators made a collective decision to follow suit. Premier League players were also drawn into the fallout, with the players’ union, the PFA, announcing this morning that it had agreed on their behalf that no interviews would be conducted with Match of the Day.
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    ライブディーラーゲームはオンラインカジノの人気コンテンツですが、AIによってさらに没入感のあるゲームに仕上がっています: インターカジノは運営歴20年以上の実績を誇る老舗のオンラインカジノです。長い運営歴から信頼でき、ユーザーが安心してゲームを楽しむことができます。そして、日本人プレイヤーに親しみやすく使いやすいサイトの運営を掲げ、2020年1月末に新たにリニューアルをした旬のオンラインカジノとなっています。 この記事では悪質なオンラインカジノを見分けるポイントや、過去に不正行為や出金トラブルなどがあったオンラインカジノの一覧などをまとめて紹介します。 (サッカー観戦もこちら) オンラインカジノに慣れた人はもちろん、初めてオンラインカジノをプレイする人でもミスティーノなら遊びやすいと感じるでしょう。 ホーム オンラインカジノのプレイヤーは、長年にわたり、ゲーム心理学研究の恩恵を受けてきました。この研究は、オンラインカジノをプレイするのに最適な場所とは何か、アビエーターなどのより良いゲームを設計する方法、そしてプレイヤーにとってより楽しいものにする方法などを決定するのに役立ちます。また、この研究は、カジノ運営者が、プレイヤーが再び戻ってくる可能性を高めるために利用されています。

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    The poker room is easily accessed from the Wynn Self park garage. Located in the NW corner on level 2, the pedestrian bridge to Encore will lead you directly to the poker room. We only offer play money games. We are not an online casino!You can compare this poker room to a poker set you bought in a toy store. With just one click, you can easily set up your own private poker club and host games with your club members and friends anytime, from anywhere in the world. Check out our past recaps from Season 10 of High Stakes Poker on PokerGO: Our friendship blossomed through a medium I never would have expected: online poker served with a side of Zoom. In every game, a written code of Poker laws should be used as the final arbiter for settling all questions. No Poker laws are universally followed – there are many local customs and preferences – but the Poker laws on this site embrace the latest customs of the most expert games and are recommended for adoption. It is a tradition of Poker that any club or group of players may make special rules, called «house rules,» to suit their personal preferences. Of course, any such house rules should be written down.

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    Division is the inverse operation of multiplication, and subtraction is the inverse of addition. Because of that, multiplication and division are actually one step done together from left to right; the same goes for addition and subtraction. Therefore, PEMDAS and BODMAS are the same thing. BODMAS: The alternative is this method; brackets, orders, division, multiplication, addition, subtraction. This means you would do the brackets equation first but do the division before the multiplication problem. If you were to do this then your answer would be 16. This method is commonly used in the UK and Australia. Get started » BODMAS is an acronym given for the students to easily understand the steps to be followed while solving any question. BODMAS rule stands for Mathematics forms the core of all defence exams and we must figure out ways to simplify our learning and solve problems in mathematics with ease. In this article, we will discuss the BODMAS rule and how to apply it. We will also share a BODMAS questions worksheet, to help you get mastery over using the tool.

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